Thai education
The current Thai education system as
stipulated in the National Education
Act 1999 (No. 2) 2002, there is a 6-year
(6-level) primary education system.
3 years (3 levels) and 3 years of
school education (3 levels) or the 6-3-3
There are two levels of formal education:
Basic education and higher education
1. Basic education consists of Education
which was held no less than twelve years
before tertiary level Basic Education
Classification and Types To be in
accordance with the ministerial regulations
Grading or comparing the level of non-formal
or informal education shall be as prescribed
in the Ministerial Regulation
2. Higher education is divided into two
levels: lower degree and degree level.
The use of the word "higher education"
instead of "university education" is to
cover education at the certificate or
diploma level. Who studied after completing
basic education