Brunei Darussalam
Education system Brunei Darussalam does
not have compulsory education. But
education is universal. And make it free
for the general public Education is
divided into 1 year pre-primary, 6 years
of elementary, 7-8 years of secondary
education, which is divided into 3 years
of lower secondary school, 2-3 years of
high school and 2 years of preparatory
and 3 years of university. 4 years
Pre-primary level All children are required
to attend 1 year of pre-primary education
at the age of 5, after which they enter
primary school.
Primary Primary education is divided into
two levels: Elementary School 3 years and
Elementary school 2-3 years After
completing 6 years of elementary school
students will be required to take a central
exam (PCE: Primary Certificate of
Examination) where education at this
level is intended to lay the groundwork.
In writing, reading and numeracy for
students In order to use this knowledge
for personal development
Secondary level The total secondary
education takes 7-8 years (secondary
education 1-5 and preparatory for 2 years)
- lower secondary level. The duration of
secondary school is 3 years after high
school. Students will need to take BJCE
(Brunei Junior Certificate of Education)
test to be able to continue their high
school education. Or choose to study
technician And basic techniques at the
Institute of Technical and Vocational
High school level lasts for 2-3 years.
Students will choose to study in arts,
science or vocational fields according to
the main BJCE exam results after graduating
from high schoo