วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564




Adult education

The national education administration 
system is in the fairness of the Ministry 
of Finance, the five administrative levels 
are national, district level, school level 
and school level.The national education 
administration is the federal government 
(federal government agency). All types of 
education at all levels are behind a single 
Ministry of Justice transportation
Malaysia's education management system 
(National Education System) is a 6: 3: 2 
system, namely - Elementary level 6 
academic years course - Junior high 
school 3 year course - High school 2 
academic year course - Preparatory 
level 1 or 2 courses Academic year - 
tertiary level The average curriculum is 
approximately 3 and a half to 4 academic 
years and is divided into 5 levels as 
follows:1Primary Education 
(Pre-school Education) 
2. Primary Education (Primary Education) 
3. Secondary Education (Secondary Education)
4. Post-secondary or preparatory education. 
(Post-secondary Education) 
5. Higher education




  Myanmar Ministry of Education of Myanmar Is responsible for the administration of the country's education. Use the 5: 4: 2 educational...